
Strengthening the connection with AFS

The Participation Step is where the expectations and commitments made during the previous stages are put to the test. Just as in a committed relationship, this phase is about growing together and deepening engagement.

This step is crucial as it encompasses the core elements of the volunteer experience: from Roles and Tasks to Training, Feedback, and more! This is an opportunity to customize the volunteer experience, ensuring that each volunteer feels valued, continues to learn, and remains motivated for the long term.

Questions for Analysis

Assess how your organization supports and retains volunteers by reflecting on these key questions
✦ Are you gathering information on the interests and skills of your volunteers?
✦ How are you recognizing the work of your volunteers?
✦ Which volunteer assignments require consistency, and which are episodic?
✦ What training and development opportunities are currently available for volunteers?
✦ How do volunteers find out about the opportunities within the organization?
✦ Is there a clear pathway for volunteers to grow into leadership positions?
✦ Do volunteers ever propose new projects, ideas, or roles?
✦ How are those proposals received and integrated?
✦ Are volunteers encouraged to provide feedback to the organization?
✦ How are you providing feedback to your volunteers?
✦ What type of data do you currently have on your volunteer base?
✦ What additional data do you need to support your volunteers better?

Actions for Participation

Implement a comprehensive recognition system that acknowledges both major milestones and daily achievements.

Stages of Participation

The core elements of the Volunteer Experience:

Learning Map

Keeping track of personal learning goals and developing a learning road map.

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Roles and Tasks

Assigning roles in which people feel comfortable, capable and valued.

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Volunteers must have spaces to develop skills and knowledge to accomplish their goals.

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Creating spaces for constructive feedback, self-analysis, and growth.

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We want people to feel valued and appreciated for the effort they devote to the Organization.

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Leadership Development

Empowering volunteers to grow as leaders.

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Encouraging creativity and exploring new ways to contribute to AFS.

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Assessment & Data Collection

Gathering and analyzing data to improve our strategies.

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