Why do we need to recruit volunteers?

Volunteers are the driving force behind AFS exchange programs. They are the backbone of the organization: a worldwide network of people who are committed to increasing intercultural understanding and communication. The dedication and support of these volunteers makes it possible for anyone in the AFS community to embark on life-changing journeys of personal growth. Therefore, the greater number of trained and motivated volunteers is key to generating program growth and increase our social impact.

AFS Volunteers..

  • Are driven by passion.
  • Find AFS a transformative and rewarding experience.
  • Sometimes don’t have much time to volunteer.
  • Desire flexibility in their tasks.
  • Enjoy intercultural learning.
  • Seek community and integration but don’t always find it.
  • Want to speak and be heard.
  • Want to know they are making a difference.
  • Are looking for fun and memorable moments.
  • Want to connect with other volunteers around the world.
  • Will have different needs in different organizational cultures.
  • Find it hard to explain to outsiders what they do for AFS.
  • Are seeking personal growth.

What to have in mind when recruiting volunteers

  • Educate chapters about the need to have new volunteers.
  • Define criteria for the kind of volunteers we need.
  • Create a Volunteer Recruitment Campaign per year.
  • Have a guide for new volunteers.
  • Define different ways to integrate new volunteers.
  • Educate Chapters in how to delegate.
  • Contact current students and families throughout the experience.
  • Offer opportunities for students and families to participate in AFS community events.

Activities we can do for internal audiences

  • Incorporate content about volunteer opportunities in every AFS activity.
  • Create a sense of community with the sending local chapter, and keep in contact while abroad.
  • Focus on changemaking projects during the re-entry orientation in order to motivate them to get involved with the organization.

Are you ready to begin recruiting volunteers?

Coordinating Volunteer Recruitment on a regular basis can be a lengthy task. That’s why we’ve created a checklist that covers all stages and steps to successfully run a Volunteer Recruitment Campaign.

Get it here!